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BSI PD CEN/TR 17249-1:2018


Intelligent transport systems. eSafety – Extending eCall to other categories of vehicle

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BSI 2018 96
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This document discusses the desirability, feasibility and problems associated with eCall for the following categories of road user: a) HGV/commercial vehicles; b) coaches and busses; c) agricultural and forestry vehicles; d) powered 2 wheeled vehicles; e) tricycles and quadricycles. NOTE Regulation issues are outside the scope of this document and the associated Technical Specification (although, where appropriate regulation(s) may reference the requirements of this deliverable).

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
10 1 Scope
2 Normative references
11 3 Terms and definitions
17 4 Symbols and abbreviations
19 5 Recommendations
21 6 Categories of vehicles
6.1 Context
23 6.2 Category L – Motor vehicles with less than four wheels
24 6.3 Category M – Power-driven vehicles having at least four wheels and used for the carriage of passengers
6.3.1 “Category M1”
6.3.2 “Category M2”
6.3.3 “Category M3”
6.3.4 Coach and bus sub-Categorization General Further Class M2-M3 sub-Categorization within UNECE Regulation
25 6.4 Category N – Power-driven vehicles having at least four wheels and used for the carriage of goods
6.4.1 “Category N1”
6.4.2 “Category N2”
6.4.3 “Category N3”
6.5 Category O – Trailers (including semi–trailers)
6.5.1 “Category O1”
6.5.2 “Category O2”
6.5.3 “Category O3”
26 6.5.4 “Category O4”
6.5.5 Additional information
6.6 “Category T” motorized, wheeled or tracked agricultural or forestry vehicle
27 6.7 “Category R – Agricultural trailer”
6.8 “Category S – Interchangeable towed equipment”
6.9 UNECE s2.7 “Non-road mobile machinery”
6.10 UNECE s.2.8.2-3 “Category G – off-road vehicles”
28 6.11 UNECE s.8.4 Combined designation
6.12 Definition of type of bodywork (only for complete/completed vehicles)
29 6.13 PT1507 recommendation re vehicle Categorization
7 Evolution of mobile cellular telephone networks
7.1 Context
31 7.2 Future eCall standards should be primarily based on IMS
37 8 Common approach for additional categories of vehicle
8.1 General considerations for a common approach
38 8.2 MSD Variants for IMS and CS environments
8.2.1 General
39 8.2.2 3GPP Release 14 provisions
8.2.3 Process in IVS
41 8.3 Separate TS for different categories
43 9 Triggering and data requirements for all categories
9.1 Triggering requirements (general)
9.2 Data requirements (general)
44 9.3 Location of off-board information
10 Technical Specifications/Standards recommended to widen the scope of eCall to include HGVs and other commercial vehicles
10.1 UNECE Categories for commercial cargo vehicles
45 10.2 Principal types of HGV accidents
10.2.1 Collision
46 10.2.2 Vehicle venturing off the road
10.2.3 Fire
10.2.4 Loss of cargo/ emission
10.2.5 Loss of physical connection between prime mover/ fixed body truck/ van and trailer(s)
10.2.6 Roll-over
47 10.2.7 Triggering requirements for HGVs
10.3 CEN/TS 16405
10.3.1 General
10.3.2 CEN/TS 16405 compared to this study
50 10.3.3 Resultant OADs within the MSD
10.3.4 An issue for further specification
10.3.5 Unified cargo list
10.3.6 Structured cargo list
51 10.4 Data requirements for HGVs
10.4.1 General
10.4.2 Technical specifications
11 Technical Specifications/Standards are recommended to widen the scope of eCall to include coaches and some categories of bus
11.1 Context
52 11.2 Category of vehicles
11.3 Use cases
53 11.4 Specification of the coaches and busses use case OAD
11.4.1 General
11.4.2 Technical specifications
54 12 Technical Specifications/Standards are recommended to widen the scope of eCall to include agricultural and forestry vehicles
12.1 Agricultural/forestry vehicle context
55 12.2 Accidents with Agricultural/forestry vehicles
12.2.1 General Summary
57 12.2.2 Principal types of agricultural/forestry vehicle accident General Roll-overs Run-overs
58 Equipment or PTO Entanglement Collisions
59 12.2.3 Other measures to generate eCalls for agricultural/forestry vehicles
12.2.4 Recommendations regarding agricultural and forestry vehicles
12.3 Agricultural/forestry vehicle and implement categorization
60 12.4 Device classes defined by ISOBUS
61 12.5 Triggering Requirements
12.5.1 General
62 12.5.2 Technical specifications
13 Technical Specifications/Standards are recommended to widen the scope of eCall to include P2WVs
13.1 Recommendations of Project I_HeERO
13.2 Context and Category L3 vehicles
13.3 Category L1 vehicles
13.3.1 Demographics
13.3.2 Usage
63 13.3.3 Multi-vehicle accidents
13.3.4 Single vehicle accidents
13.3.5 Moped / Scooter security, theft and vandalism
13.3.6 Technical considerations for category L1 vehicles
64 13.4 Implementation
65 13.5 UNECE Category L vehicles
13.6 Nature of P2WV accidents
13.6.1 Accident statistics, P2WV and rider characteristics, fatalities and types of injury Accident statistics for Europe and US Motorcycle Accident Report
66 Motorcycle Crashes by Crash Type and Location – US Report Risk of Fatality Touring, Cruiser and Sport motorbikes Run-Off Road Crashes
13.7 P2W accident characteristics
67 13.8 Requirements related to eCall triggering for P2WV
68 13.9 Dialogue with riders of affected vehicle
70 13.10 Manual triggering
71 13.11 eCall or eMessage
13.12 Glonass experience of false calls
13.13 Tricycles and Quadricycles
73 13.14 Technical specifications
74 13.15 Vulnerable road users
14 Other relevant eCall evolution
75 15 Other user Categories that could benefit from eCall
76 16 Summary
80 17 Considerations of appropriateness of direct 112-eCall and TPSP eCall for additional classes of vehicle
81 Annex A (informative)Table of Timings from EN 16062
84 Annex B (informative)Comparison I_HeERO/PT1507 HGV requirements with CEN/TS 16405
89 Annex C (informative)I_HeERO TR M23 – Use Cases P2WV eCall
C.1 Conclusions (I_HeERO TR M23 – Use Cases P2WV eCall)
C.2 Relationship between collision and injury severity
BSI PD CEN/TR 17249-1:2018