CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 13818-7-06:2006 Edition
Information Technology – Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio Information – Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
CSA | 2006-12-01 | 226 |
Technical corrigenda #1 and 2 to this standard are available.
1.1 General
This International Standard describes the MPEG-2 audio non-backwards compatible standard called MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding, AAC [1], a higher quality multichannel standard than achievable while requiring MPEG-1 backwards compatibility. This MPEG-2 AAC audio standard allows for ITU-R indistinguishable quality according to [2] at data rates of 320 kbit/s for five full-bandwidth channel audio signals.
The AAC decoding process makes use of a number of required tools and a number of optional tools. Table 1
lists the tools and their status as required or optional. Required tools are mandatory in any possible profile. Optional tools may not be required in some profiles.