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BS ISO 20294:2018


Graphic technology. Quantification and communication for calculating the carbon footprint of e-media

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BSI 2018 42
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This document specifies the requirements for quantifying the carbon footprint of those processes, materials and technologies within the user’s knowledge and control that are necessary for the delivery and use of e-media. It covers requirements to account for e-media archiving, distribution, use and storage. It is based on a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach, using defined system boundaries and a specified functional unit as the basis for complete or partial carbon footprinting studies. These data can be referenced throughout supply chains for individual e-media products.

This document is applicable to a carbon footprint of a product (CFP) study of e-media regarding contents and e-media devices.

This document provides a framework for carbon calculators that organisations can follow and that can be used as the structure for market- or sector-specific carbon footprinting tools. Studies and tools constructed within this framework methodology provide carbon footprint quantifications of e-media that can be validated, verified and provide reference for future studies.

This document does not assess any social or economic aspects or impacts, or any other environmental aspects and related impacts potentially arising from the life cycle of a product.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
7 Foreword
8 Introduction
11 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 Terms relating to carbon footprint
12 3.2 Terms relating to greenhouse gases
13 3.3 Terms relating to life cycle assessment
14 3.4 Terms relating to organisations and consumers
15 3.5 Terms relating to electronic media
16 3.6 Terms relating to electronic media delivery
3.7 Terms relating to information and communication technology
17 4 Principles for carbon footprint quantification
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Life cycle perspective
4.3 Relative approach and functional unit
4.4 Relevance
4.5 Completeness
4.6 Consistency
4.7 Accuracy
18 4.8 Transparency
4.9 Assumptions for content use
4.10 Avoidance of double counting
4.11 Implementation criteria
4.12 Uncertainty
5 Methodology
5.1 General Requirements
19 5.2 Goal and scope
5.2.1 General
20 5.2.2 LCA carbon footprint
5.2.3 System boundary
5.2.4 Scope of e-media carbon footprint studies
21 5.2.5 Life cycle stages
5.3 System boundary definitions
22 5.4 Time boundary for data
5.5 Carbon footprint quantification of life-cycle stages
5.5.1 Inventory analysis
5.5.2 Data collection for each life-cycle stage
23 5.5.3 General requirements applied to all stages
26 5.5.4 Production stage for contents
5.5.5 Distribution stage for contents (optional)
5.5.6 Use stage for contents
27 5.5.7 Production stage for e-media devices
5.5.8 Distribution stage for e-media devices
5.5.9 Use stage for e-media devices
28 5.5.10 End-of-life stage for e-media devices (optional)
6 Reporting
6.1 General
6.2 Documentation requirements
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Reporting requirements
29 6.3 Interpretation of the carbon footprint of a product
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Life cycle interpretation phase
6.3.3 Allocation method
7 Communication requirements
7.1 General
30 7.2 Interpretation and comparison
7.3 Product definitions and product category rules
31 Annex A (informative) Inventory analysis of input criteria used to define the product profile
32 Annex B (normative) Operations and materials in processes and data collection itemswithin the system boundary
34 Annex C (normative) Allocation method regarding e-media devices
36 Annex D (informative) Method regarding the number of downloads
37 Annex E (informative) Calculation examples
38 Annex F (normative) Information to be included in e-media carbon footprint comparisons
39 Annex G (normative) Limitations of the CFP
41 Bibliography
BS ISO 20294:2018