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IEEE 4-2013


IEEE Standard for High-Voltage Testing Techniques (Superseded Redline)

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IEEE 2013 213
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Revision Standard – Inactive-Reserved. Standard methods and basic techniques for high-voltage testing applicable to all types of apparatus for alternating voltages, direct voltages, lightning impulse voltages, switching impulse voltages, and impulse currents are established in this standard. Sections that deal with alternating voltage, direct voltage, and impulse testing are combined in this revision to organize the technical content for ease of use. In addition, the concept of measurement uncertainty in evaluation of high-voltage and high-current tests is introduced in this version.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std 4™-2013 Front Cover
3 Title page
6 Notice to users
Laws and regulations
Updating of IEEE documents
8 Participants
10 Introduction
11 Contents
15 1. Overview
1.1 Scope
16 1.2 Purpose
1.3 Application
2. Normative references
3. Definitions
20 4. Safety Awareness
5. General requirements for high-voltage tests and measurements
5.1 Normal environmental conditions
5.2 Arrangement of the test object
22 5.3 Grounding requirements for high-voltage tests
5.4 Use of properly dimensioned interconnections and electrodes
23 5.5 Susceptibility to noise: instrumentation shielding
24 5.6 Classification of measuring systems
26 5.7 Procedures for qualification and use of measuring systems
34 6. Tests and measurements with alternating voltage
6.1 Terms used to characterize alternating voltage tests and measurements
35 6.2 Source requirements
37 6.3 Measuring system requirements for approved measuring systems
38 6.4 Test procedures
45 6.5 Type tests, acceptance tests, performance tests, and performance checks for alternating voltage measuring systems
47 6.6 Additional information on alternating voltage test and measurement techniques
50 7. Tests and measurements with direct voltage
7.1 Terms used to characterize direct voltage tests and measurements
7.2 Source requirements
51 7.3 Measuring system requirements for approved measuring systems
52 7.4 Test procedures
53 7.5 Type tests, acceptance tests, performance tests, and performance checks for direct voltage measuring systems
56 7.6 Additional information on direct voltage test and measurement techniques
59 8. Tests and measurements with impulse voltage
8.1 Terms used to characterize impulse voltage tests and measurements
64 8.2 Source requirements
66 8.3 Measuring system requirements for approved measuring systems
69 8.4 Test procedures
71 8.5 Type tests, acceptance tests, performance tests, and performance checks for impulse voltage measuring systems
74 8.6 Additional information on impulse voltage test and measurement techniques
77 8.7 Reference voltage divider
81 9. Test and measurements with impulse current
9.1 Terms used to characterize impulse currents
83 9.2 Source requirements
84 9.3 Measuring system requirements for approved measuring systems
85 9.4 Test Procedures
9.5 Type tests, acceptance tests, performance tests, and performance checks for impulse current measuring systems
88 9.6 Additional information on impulse current measurement techniques
93 10. Combined voltage and composite voltage tests
10.1 Combined voltage tests
96 10.2 Composite voltage tests
11. Tests in different ambient conditions
11.1 Dry tests
11.2 Wet tests
98 12. Artificial contamination tests
99 12.1 Preparation of the test object
100 12.2 General test procedures
101 12.3 Power supply requirements for alternating voltage artificial contamination tests
103 12.4 Power supply requirements for direct-voltage artificial contamination tests
12.5 The solid layer test method
114 12.6 The salt fog test method
119 13. Atmospheric corrections
13.1 Atmospheric conditions
13.2 Atmospheric correction factors
127 13.3 Measurement of atmospheric parameters
129 13.4 Conflicting requirements for testing internal and external insulation
14. Voltage measurement by means of sphere gaps and rod gaps
14.1 Terms associated with sphere and rod gap voltage measurements
14.2 General information on spark-gaps
134 14.3 Use of the sphere gap to measure the peak value of alternating voltage at power frequency
135 14.4 Measurement of peak value of full lightning and switching impulse voltages using sphere gaps
136 14.5 Reference voltage values in Table 12 and Table 13 for sphere gaps
143 14.6 Standard rod-rod gap for measurement of direct voltage
145 14.7 Use of standard air gaps for performance checks of approved measuring systems
146 15. Statistical treatment of test results
15.1 Classification of tests
147 15.2 Statistical behavior of disruptive discharge
148 15.3 Analysis of test results
150 15.4 Application of likelihood methods
152 Annex A (normative) Procedure for calculating of parameters of lightning impulse voltages with superimposed oscillation on the peak
A.1 Basis of the procedures
153 A.2 Procedure for calculation from digital waveforms
160 A.3 Manual procedure for calculation from graphic waveforms
161 Annex B (informative) Experimental step response measurements
B.1 Procedure for measuring the experimental step response
162 B.2 Determination of the response parameters from experimental step response oscillograms
165 Annex C (informative) Convolution methods
C.1 The convolution method
166 C.2 Procedure for performing the convolution calculation
168 C.3 Verify linearity of the measurement system
C.4 Use of the parameter differences
169 Annex D (informative) Evaluation of measurement uncertainties
D.1 General
D.2 Terms used in evaluation of uncertainty
171 D.3 Combined standard uncertainty
172 D.4 Expanded uncertainty
D.5 Coverage factor and effective degrees of freedom
175 D.6 Steps for calculating the expanded uncertainty
D.7 Examples of uncertainty limit evaluation
191 Annex E (informative) Partial discharge and corona measurements
E.1 Terms used to characterize partial discharge and corona measurements
E.2 Parameters affecting the magnitude and intensity of partial discharge and corona
192 E.3 Effects of partial discharge and corona on high-voltage equipment
E.4 Partial discharge and corona detection methods
193 E.5 Test procedures
200 Annex F (informative) Bibliography
IEEE 4-2013