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BSI 15/30320260 DC:2015 Edition


BS EN 60076-7. Power transformers. Part 7. Loading guide for liquid-immersed power transformers

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2015 85
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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 30320260
10 14_807e_CD
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
12 4 Symbols and abbreviations
14 5 Effect of loading beyond nameplate rating
5.1 Introduction
15 5.2 General consequences
5.3 Effects and hazards of short-time emergency loading
16 5.4 Effects of long-time emergency loading
17 5.5 Transformer size
18 6 Relative ageing rate and transformer insulation life
6.1 General
6.2 Insulation life
23 6.3 Relative ageing rate
24 6.4 Loss-of-life calculation
25 7 Limitations
7.1 Temperature limitations
26 7.2 Current limitations
7.3 Specific limitations for distribution transformers
7.3.1 Current and temperature limitations
7.3.2 Accessory and other considerations
7.3.3 Indoor transformers
7.3.4 Outdoor ambient conditions
27 7.4 Specific limitations for medium-power transformers
7.4.1 Current and temperature limitations
7.4.2 Accessory, associated equipment and other considerations
7.4.3 Short-circuit withstand requirements
7.4.4 Voltage limitations
7.5 Specific limitations for large power transformers
7.5.1 General
28 7.5.2 Current and temperature limitations
7.5.3 Accessory, equipment and other considerations
7.5.4 Short-circuit withstand requirements
7.5.5 Voltage limitations
29 8 Determination of temperatures
8.1 Hot-spot temperature rise in steady state
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Calculation of hot-spot temperature rise from normal heat-run test data
31 8.1.3 Direct measurement of hot-spot temperature rise
34 8.1.4 Hot-spot factor
36 8.2 Top-oil and hot-spot temperatures at varying ambient temperature and load conditions
8.2.1 General
37 8.2.2 Exponential equations solution
42 8.2.3 Difference equations solution
44 8.3 Ambient temperature
8.3.1 Outdoor air-cooled transformers
8.3.2 Correction of ambient temperature for transformer enclosure
45 8.3.3 Water-cooled transformers
9 Influence of tap changers
9.1 General
46 9.2 Short-circuit losses
9.3 Ratio of losses
9.4 Load factor
47 Annex A (informative) Ageing Relative ageing rate considering oxygen and water effect
A.1 Insulation life expectancy
49 A.2 Relative ageing rate considering oxygen and water effect
51 Annex B (informative) Core temperature
B.1 Introduction
B.2 Core hot-spot locations
52 Annex C (informative) Specification of loading beyond rated power
54 Annex D (informative) Description of Q, S and H factors
57 Annex E (informative) Calculation of winding and oil time constant
59 Annex F (informative) Thermal model parameters
F.1 Introduction
F.2 Thermal constant estimation: experimental approach
62 F.3 Dynamic thermal modelling: further development
63 Annex G (informative) Practical example of the exponential equations method
G.1 Introduction
64 G.2 Time period 0 min to 190 min
G.3 Time period 190 min to 365 min
65 G.4 Time period 365 min to 500 min
G.5 Time period 500 min to 705 min
66 G.6 Time period 705 min to 730 min
G.7 Time period 730 min to 745 min
G.8 Comparison with measured values
69 Annex H (informative) Application of the difference equation solution method
H.1 Introduction
H.2 Example
74 H.6 Use of measured top-oil temperature
75 Annex I (informative) Flowchart, based on the example in Annex G
77 Annex J (informative) Example of calculating and presenting overload data
81 Annex K (informative) Geomagnetic induced currents
82 Bibliography
BSI 15/30320260 DC