BSI PD 6699-2:2007
Nanotechnologies – Guide to safe handling and disposal of manufactured nanomaterials
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BSI | 2007 | 32 |
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3 | Contents 1 Scope 1 2 Manufactured nanomaterial types and characteristics 1 3 Nanoparticle exposure and risk 3 4 General approach to managing risks from nanoparticles 6 5 Identification and competence of person conducting risk assessment 7 6 Information collection 8 7 Risk evaluation 8 8 Control of exposure 11 9 Health surveillance 16 10 Measurement methods for evaluating controls 17 11 Spillages and accidental releases 20 12 Disposal procedures 21 13 Prevention of fire and explosion 23 Bibliography 24 List of figures Figure 1 – Approach to managing risks from nanoparticles 7 Figure 2 – Hierarchy of control 11 Figure 3 – Suggested control approaches for various generic tasks 15 List of tables Table 1 – Devices for direct measurement of number, mass and surface area concentration (adapted from PD/ISO TR 27628) 18 Table 2 – Devices for indirect measurement of number, mass and surface area concentration (adapted from ISO 2007) 18 |
4 | Foreword |
5 | 1 Scope 2 Manufactured nanomaterial types and characteristics 2.1 General 2.2 Fullerenes |
6 | 2.3 Carbon nanotubes 2.4 Nanowires 2.5 Quantum dots 2.6 Other nanoparticles |
7 | 3 Nanoparticle exposure and risk 3.1 General 3.2 Potential risks to health from inhalation of nanoparticles |
8 | 3.3 Potential nanoparticle risks to health from dermal exposure or ingestion |
9 | 3.4 Nanoparticles as hazardous materials 3.5 Risk of fire and explosion from nanoparticles |
10 | 4 General approach to managing risks from nanoparticles 1) identify the hazards and assess the risks; 2) decide what precautions are needed; 3) prevent or adequately control exposure; 4) ensure that control measures are used and maintained; 5) monitor the exposure; 6) carry out appropriate health surveillance; 7) prepare plans and procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies; and 8) ensure employees are properly informed, trained and supervised. |
11 | Figure 1 Approach to managing risks from nanoparticles 5 Identification and competence of person conducting risk assessment |
12 | 6 Information collection 7 Risk evaluation 7.1 Assessing the hazard |
13 | 7.2 Assessing exposure a) a statement of purpose, scope, level of detail, and the approach used in the assessment; b) estimates of exposure and dose by pathway, both for individuals and populations; and c) an evaluation of the overall quality of the assessment and the degree of confidence in the exposure estimates and conclusions drawn. |
14 | 7.3 Assessing the risk |
15 | 7.4 Document and review 8 Control of exposure 8.1 Hierarchy of control Figure 2 Hierarchy of control |
16 | 8.2 Control of exposure a) Eliminate. Avoid using the hazardous substance or the process which causes exposure. This is unlikely to be an option if the … b) Substitute. Change the nanomaterial or process to one which has less risk. Although it might not be possible to substitute th… c) Enclose. All operations in which there is deliberate release of nanomaterials into the air should be performed in contained i… d) Engineering control. All processes where there is a likelihood of dust formation should be carried out with extract ventilati… e) Procedural control. Procedural controls should accompany engineering controls, though the risk assessment might indicate that… |
17 | f) Personal protective equipment (PPE). Personal protection is a last option or a supplemental option to help support all of the other methods of exposure control. 8.3 Selection of controls |
19 | Figure 3 Suggested control approaches for various generic tasks |
20 | 8.4 Information, instruction and training a) the names of the substances to which they are liable to be exposed and the risks to health created by exposure; b) any relevant workplace exposure limit (WEL) or similar self-imposed (in-house) exposure standard that applies to the substances; c) the information on any safety data sheet that relates to the substances; d) the significant findings of the risk assessment; e) the precautions they should take to protect themselves and their fellow employees; f) the results of any monitoring of exposure, especially if these exceed any WEL; g) the collective results of any health surveillance (see Clause 9). 9 Health surveillance |
21 | 10 Measurement methods for evaluating controls 10.1 Need for measurement 1) identification of sources of nanoparticle emissions; 2) assessment of the effectiveness of any control measure implemented; 3) ensuring compliance with any WEL or self-imposed (in-house) exposure standard; 4) identifying any failures or deterioration of the control measures which could result in a serious health effect. 10.2 Selection of instruments |
22 | Table 1 Devices for direct measurement of number, mass and surface area concentration (adapted from PD/ISO TR 27628) Table 2 Devices for indirect measurement of number, mass and surface area concentration (adapted from ISO 2007) |
23 | 10.3 Sampling strategy |
24 | 10.4 Limitations 11 Spillages and accidental releases |
25 | 12 Disposal procedures 12.1 Planning the storage and disposal of nanomaterials a) pure nanomaterials; b) items contaminated with nanomaterials, such as containers, wipes and disposable PPE; c) liquid suspensions containing nanomaterials; and d) solid matrices with nanomaterials that are friable or have a nanostructure loosely attached to the surface such that they can… |
26 | 12.2 Storage of nanomaterial waste prior to disposal a) Storage in waste containers. Package nanomaterial-bearing wastes in compatible containers that are in good condition and affo… b) Storage in plastic bags. Collect paper, wipes, PPE and other items with loose contamination in a plastic bag or other sealabl… 12.3 Disposal of nanomaterial waste |
27 | 13 Prevention of fire and explosion |
28 | Bibliography [1] Kroto HW, Heath JR, O’Brian SC, Curl RF, Smalley RE. (1985). C60: Buckminsterfullerene. Nature; 318: 162-163. [2] Iijima S. (1991). Helical Microtubules of Graphitic Carbon. Nature; 354: 56-58. [3] Maynard AD, Baron PA , Foley M, Shvedova AA, Kisin ER, Castranova V. (2004). Exposure to carbon nanotubes material: aerosol … [4] The SAFENANO website [5] Tinkle SS, Antonini JM, Rich BA, Roberts JR, Salmen R, DePree K, Adkins EJ. Skin as a route of exposure and sensitization in chronic beryllium disease. Environ. Health Perspect. 2003 Jul; 111(9): 1202-1208. [6] Ryman-Rasmussen JP, Riviere JE, Monteiro-Riviere NA. Penetration of intact skin by quantum dots with diverse physicochemical properties. Toxicol. Sci. 2006 May; 91(1): 159-165. Epub 2006 Jan 27. [7] GREAT BRITAIN. The control of hazardous substances regulations (COSHH). SI 2002, No. 2677. London: HMSO. [8] HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE (HSE). EH40/2005: Workplace Exposure Limits. 2005. [9] SOLIDS HANDLING AND PROCESSING ASSOCIATION (SHAPA). [10] HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE (HSE). HSG 53: A guide to the selection and use of respirators. 2003. [11] HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE (HSE). OC 282/28: Fit testing of respiratory protective equipment. 2003. [12] Packham C. (2006) Gloves as chemical protection – Can they really work? Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Oxford University Press epub ahead of print: 15 June 2006. [13] NIOSH. Current Intelligence Bulletin: Evaluation of Health Hazard and Recommendations for Occupational Exposure to Titanium Dioxide (Draft for public comment), 2005. |
29 | [14] NIOSH. Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: An Information Exchange with NIOSH. 2007. assessment.html [15] Brouwer DH, Gijsbers JH, Lurvink MW (2004). Personal Exposure to Ultrafine Particles in the Workplace: Exploring Sampling Techniques and Strategies. Ann. Occup. Hyg., 48(5): 439-453. [16] ISO/TC 229 WG3 PG1 Technical Report: “Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies”, in preparation. [17] DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NANOSCALE SCIENCE RESEARCH CENTRES. Nanoscale science research center: Approach to Nanomaterial ES&H. Revision 2 – June 2007. Department of Energy. [18] ENVIRONMENT AGENCY. What is a Hazardous Waste? A guide to the Hazardous Waste Regulations and the List of Waste Regulations in England and Wales (HWR01). Bristol: 2005. [19] GREAT BRITAIN. The List of Wastes (England) Regulations (LoWR). SI 2005, No. 895. London: HMSO. [20] GREAT BRITAIN. The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations, SI 2002, No. 2776, London: HMSO. [21] HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE (HSE). HSG 103: Safe Handling of combustible dusts: Precautions against explosions. 2003. [22] Aitken, R.J., Chaudhry, M.Q., Boxall, A.B.A., Hull, M. (2006) In-depth Review: Manufacture and use of nanomaterials: current status in the UK and global trends, Occupational Medicine, 56(5): 300-306. |