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IEEE 370-2020


IEEE Standard for Electrical Characterization of Printed Circuit Board and Related Interconnects at Frequencies up to 50 GHz

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IEEE 2020 147
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New IEEE Standard – Active. Standard and recommended practices for ensuring the quality of measured data for high-frequency electrical interconnect at frequencies up to 50 GHz are provided. This might include, but is not limited to recommending design of test fixtures, as well as methods and processes for ensuring the accuracy and consistency of measured data for signals with frequency content up to 50 GHz. The standard and general practice should be applicable for frequencies higher than 50 GHz as well. The methods and techniques contained herein have been validated only to 50 GHz as of this writing. (This standard incorporates open source. See

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Developed by the
2 Title page
4 Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents
8 Participants
10 Introduction
11 Contents
14 1. Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope
15 1.3 Purpose
1.4 Word usage
2. Normative references
16 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
18 3.2 S-parameter terms and labeling conventions
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Port index labeling
20 3.2.3 Labeling fixtures with two or four ports
22 3.3 Defining the calibration method used and the component measured
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Calibration methods
23 3.3.3 Traceable calibration method
3.3.4 Using a traceable calibration with microprobes
24 3.4 De-embedding method
3.5 Normative header information in the TouchstoneTM file
3.5.1 Introduction
25 3.5.2 Data source
3.5.3 Post-processing
3.5.4 Component type
26 3.5.5 Calibration method
3.5.6 De-embedding method
3.5.7 Port assignment
3.5.8 Fixture electrical requirements
3.5.9 S-parameter quality metrics
3.5.10 Touchstone file header reporting requirements summary
27 3.5.11 Touchstone file header example
28 4. Test fixture design criteria
4.1 Overview
29 4.2 Fixture design requirements (FDR) (normative)
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Single-ended de-embedding
4.2.3 2X-Thru
30 4.2.4 Mixed-mode de-embedding
4.2.5 Single-ended fixture crosstalk
31 4.2.6 Interpair (pair to pair) fixture crosstalk
32 4.3 Fixture electrical requirements (FER)
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.2 Class definitions
33 4.3.3 FER compliance
4.3.4 FER1: Insertion loss of 2X-Thru
4.3.5 FER2: Return loss of 2X-Thru
4.3.6 FER3: Insertion loss and return loss separation
4.3.7 FER4: Intra-fixture crosstalk
34 4.3.8 FER5: Impedance variation: Difference between the FIX in 2X-Thru and the FIX-DUT-FIX
4.3.9 FER6: Difference between differential to common mode conversion loss and insertion loss
35 4.3.10 FER7: Line to line or pair to pair phase skew
4.3.11 FER8: Minimum length of 2X-Thru
4.3.12 FER summary
37 4.4 Design documentation
38 5. De-embedding verification
5.1 Introduction
39 5.2 Overview
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Option 1 analysis: Synthesized libraries
40 5.2.3 Option 2 analysis: Plug-and-play boards
5.2.4 Option 3 analysis: Demonstration boards
5.3 Option 1: De-embedding verification using the S-parameter library
5.3.1 Purpose
41 5.3.2 Testing a de-embedding process with S-parameter library (approach 1)
43 5.3.3 Testing a de-embedding algorithm with S-parameter library (approach 2)
45 5.4 Option 2: De-embedding verification using separately measurable component test board measurements (plug-and-play modules)
5.4.1 Overview
46 5.5 Option 3: De-embedding verification using test board measurement
5.5.1 Overview
48 5.5.2 Example of the results
5.6 Evaluation of the actual DUT and de-embedded DUT
5.7 Reporting method for the accuracy of a de-embedding algorithm
5.7.1 Introduction
49 5.7.2 Special consideration
50 6. Consistency tests of a measurement and de-embedding process
6.1 Purpose
6.2 Instrument verification
6.3 Fixture S-parameter quality check
51 6.4 Fixture design quality check
6.5 Consistency tests
6.5.1 Introduction
6.5.2 Consistency test #1: (normative) Self de-embedding of 2X-Thru
52 6.5.3 Consistency test #2: (normative) Compare the TDR of the fixture model to the FIX-DUT-FIX
54 6.5.4 Consistency test #3: (informative) Compare a DUT-DUT measurement with two concatenated DUT models
6.5.5 Consistency test #4: (informative) Consistency tests based on verification structures
6.5.6 Other consistency tests (informative)
55 6.6 Methods to determine the similarity of S-parameters
56 7. S-parameter integrity and validation
7.1 Scope
58 7.2 Best practice: Maximum frequency extrapolation methodology
59 7.3 Initial quality checking of raw data
7.3.1 Introduction
7.3.2 Initial passivity checking of raw data at the given frequency samples
7.3.3 Initial causality checking of raw data at the given frequency samples
60 7.3.4 Initial reciprocity checking of raw data at the given frequency samples
7.4 Application-based quality checking
7.4.1 Introduction
61 7.4.2 Checking frequency resolution
7.4.3 Application-based passivity checking of raw data
7.4.4 Application-based causality checking of raw data
62 7.4.5 Application-based reciprocity checking of raw data
63 Annex A (informative) Bibliography
66 Annex B (informative) Tutorial (Network parameters in general
73 Annex C (informative) Tutorial (Mixed-mode network parameters
75 Annex D (informative) Tutorial (Calibration and de-embedding basics
D.1 Overview
D.2 Calibration with coaxial connection
D.3 Thru-reflect-line (TRL)
76 D.4 De-embedding past the calibration plane
D.5 De-embedding tools overview
77 D.6 Overview of generic de-embedding methods
79 D.7 Mixed-mode fixture model calculation
D.8 Example implementation
80 Annex E (informative) Test fixture definition
E.1 Overview
81 E.2 Single-ended de-embedding
84 E.3 Differential de-embedding
86 Annex F (informative) Verification structures
F.1 Beatty structure
88 F.2 Verification line structure
89 Annex G (informative) Methods for comparison of S-parameters
G.1 Error vector method
90 G.2 Integrated energy relative error method
91 G.3 Feature selective validation (FSV) method
G.4 Time-domain step response method
92 Annex H (informative) Initial quality checking of raw S-parameter data
H.1 Introduction
H.2 Initial passivity checking of raw data at the given frequency samples
93 H.3 Initial causality checking of raw data at the given frequency samples
95 H.4 Initial reciprocity checking of raw data at the given frequency samples
97 Annex I (normative) Application-based quality checking of raw S-parameter data
I.1 Application-based passivity checking of raw data
102 I.2 Application-based causality checking of raw data
107 I.3 Application-based reciprocity checking of raw data
108 Annex J (informative) Best practice: Design and manufacturing considerations
J.1 Overview
J.2 Via design
112 J.3 Intra-pair trace coupling (differential case)
J.4 Trace routing
J.5 Microstrip plating
113 J.6 PCB manufacturer choice
J.7 Copper thieving
J.8 Copper surface roughness
114 Annex K (informative) Best practice: Fixture design
K.1 Overview
K.2 Launch design
K.3 Stitching vias to minimize cavity resonance
K.4 Ground plane cutouts (anti-pads)
K.5 Return path vias at DUT
115 K.6 Torque wrench and coax cable access
K.7 Microprobe footprints
K.8 Using multiple test fixtures
116 Annex L (informative) Best practice: Measurement guidance
L.1 Measurement equipment
L.2 Coaxial cable and connectors
L.3 Environment
117 Annex M (informative) S-parameter library
M.1 Vertical launch connectors
118 M.2 Lead-in structures
M.3 Device under test (DUT) elements
120 Annex N (informative) Example: Typical application of the synthesized S-parameter library
N.1 Overview
N.2 Comparing the original data and de-embedded data
121 N.3 Example 1: Case 01-01, vertically launched connector (VLC) top-to-bottom via, long fixture, short DUT
122 N.4 Example 2: Case 01-03, tightly coupled microstrip fixture with long via stubs
124 N.5 Example 3: Case 01-05, striplines and short vias
125 N.6 Example 4: Case 14-05, stripline fixture with 105 Ohm fixture
128 Annex O (informative) Example: Sensitivity analysis testing with synthesized S-parameter models
131 Annex P (informative) Reference: Synthesized S-parameter library and circuits in the Quite Universal Circuit Simulator library
132 Annex Q (informative) Example: Plug-and-play test boards kit with separable connectors
137 Annex R (informative) Example: Test typical manufactured board design
R.1 Board design feature: Replicated device under test and fixtures (manufacturing variation)
138 R.2 Board design feature: DUT-DUT structures
139 Annex S (informative) Best practice: Analytically creating an input pulse
S.1 Method 1: Gaussian pulse
140 S.2 Method 2: Rectangular pulse with first-order Butterworth filter
142 Annex T (informative) Best practice: DC extrapolation methodology
144 Annex U (informative) Best practice: Interpolation methodology
U.1 Part 1: Linear interpolation
145 U.2 Part 2: Approximation with rational fitting
IEEE 370-2020